

New TV Spot For THE THING Prequel

Well it's only about a month or so now until THE THING hits theatres, and so far I haven't really been able to make up my mind as to whether I want to see it or not. But after watching this TV spot I think it's safe to say I will indeed be buying a ticket for this film. Check out the new TV spot after the jump, and if you haven't seen the official trailer yet you can view it here.

Synopsis: At an Antarctica research site, the discovery of an alien craft leads to a confrontation between graduate student Kate Lloyd and scientist Dr. Sander Halvorson. While Dr. Halvorson keeps to his research, Kate partners with Sam Carter, a helicopter pilot, to pursue the alien life form.

Keep an eye out for THE THING at theatres October 14th.


  1. But it doesn't look bad--it could be fantastical!

  2. It could indeed be fantastical. It has a lot to live up to though, I just hope it doesn't disappoint.
