

Indie Spotlight: SIX DEGREES OF HELL

You may remember there being quite a bit of coverage for this film on this blog earlier in the year. The self proclaimed 'scariest movie of 2012' is directed by Joe Raffa and was filmed at the Hotel of Horror in Saylorsburgh, PA and stars Corey Feldman, Joe Raffa, Nicole Cinaglia and David Bonner. 
Well SIX DEGREES OF HELL has finally been released and is available for purchase on both DVD and Blu-ray at Amazon and Breaking Glass Pictures at reduced prices. You can also find the film on Netflix.
Haven't yet heard about SIX DEGREES OF HELL? Then read on for the synopsis and make sure you check out the trailer and official Facebook page.

Synopsis: "In rural Pennsylvania, six people are connected by a supernatural force that has claimed the life of one of them. Now, a paranormal perfect storm is about to descend on a local Halloween haunted house while a paranormal investigator (Corey Feldman) tries to piece together exactly what's happening"

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