


I don't know a single person who enjoyed the 2010 ELM STREET remake and with good reason, it was absolute crap. So if Hollywood can't do a good job at a new Freddy film then maybe it should be left up to the people who care the most; the fans. SON OF A HUNDRED MANIACS is an independent fan film from writer / director Andrew Daniels and is described as a re-imagining of the American horror icon Freddy Krueger from the NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET franchise.
If you're familiar with your Krueger history then you'll know where the title comes from but for those who don't well it's quite simple. You see Freddy's mother worked at the Westin Hills psychiatric hospital which housed scores of the criminally insane. During the Christmas holidays she was accidentally locked in and consequently raped by the inmates and so viola! Freddy was born as the SON OF A HUNDRED MANIACS.
Check out the poster and teaser trailer below. For further info and updates make sure you head over to the official Facebook page.

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