

Paul W.S. Anderson Talks RESIDENT EVIL 6 And The End Of The Franchise

I don't think anybody will be surprised to learn that RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION isn't going to be the final entry in the series. But will the next film finally put the franchise to rest? From what director Paul W.S. Anderson has said it sounds like it just might. Anderson caught up with MovieWeb to talk about the video release of RETRIBUTION and the future of the RE franchise.

"I feel that [Resident Evil: Retribution] is very much the beginning of the end for the Resident Evil franchise. I see this movie as the beginning of the end, and the set-up for an epic, and truly spectacular finale. Which I hope will be the next movie"

When asked what might be in store for the grand finale:

"I couldn't possible tell you that. Definitely, the destruction and loss of the world. I can't tell you if it's the loss of the entire world. In terms of returning characters and themes, I do see this movie coming full circle. And circling back to the original characters and themes that were featured in the very first film. That's why you saw the return of the Red Queen, and Michelle Rodriguez's character. It is preparing you for a return to the hive, and a return to the scene of the first film"

And when asked about any returning characters:

"There are a few of them, yes. I felt that, with this movie, there was a limit to what we could do. We were bringing back Colin Salmon, we were bringing back Michelle Rodriguez. There were a lot of returning characters. We were bringing back Sienna Guillory. I didn't want to overwhelm the movie with this endless parade of returning characters. But there are a lot of characters and themes in the franchise that I would like to return to. I think that is going to be one of the fun things. We've taken the audience on this epic journey, and then ultimately realizing that the journey comes back to the very beginning. Hopefully it makes them reexamine everything they have seen in the franchise. I think the final movie will not only be spectacular, but it will also make you want to go back and watch all of those blu-rays and DVDs again. And watch them through a different lens"

There aren't really any solid details regarding RESIDENT EVIL 6 other than its targeted 2015 release date and the fact that it will star Milla Jovovich and be directed by Paul W.S. Anderson.

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