

PREDATORY MOON's 'Blood Drive' Kills Monsters In The Name Of Horror

Upcoming werewolf flick PREDATORY MOON has struck on a unique and intriguing way to help raise funds for its IndieGoGo campaign. The film's assistant director Jeremy Westrate has promised to pave the way for werewolves in indie horror by killing off all of the overused monsters you see in films these days. The way this is going to be done is via certain funding milestones. First up once the campaign reaches $1500 Jeremy has promised to 'lay waste' to a zombie, and a video will be uploaded of him doing so. This will be followed by other creatures such as vampires, mummies etc.
There is a month left in the campaign so if you want to see monsters being destroyed in the name of horror make sure you contribute and you will also receive all of the regular benefits including photos, DVDs and more.

And if you're a fan of practical effects this next bit of info should make you a little moist in the pants area. Director and FX artist Shiva Rodriguez plans on including in the film an on-screen werewolf transformation using only practical effects. Does that sound totally badass or what?
Check out the official Facebook page and IndieGoGo campaign for more info and watch the video below to see the first victim.

Synopsis: "Field researcher Kyle Reading believes that the terrible bear attack that he is investigating is actually the work of something far more sinister.  Acting on his suspicions, he reaches out to the only survivor who is beginning to display some very unusual behavior.
But someone is also watching Kyle... someone who sees an advantage to having a stranger in town who cries "werewolf""

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