

Indie Spotlight: TIME TO KILL

TIME TO KILL is an upcoming exploitation / horror film from director Brian Williams and Mostly Harmless Pictures. Written and directed by Williams it stars Ellie Church as Sarah, a young woman seeking bloody revenge after finding that she has only 24 hours left to live. Also starring is prolific genre favorite Debbie Rochon alongside Christine Carollo, Cassandra Baun, Brigid Macaulay and Jason Hignite.
A new trailer has just been released and between the tits and blood I'm gonna go ahead and say that it's definitely NSFW. You can check it out below along with some artwork and make sure you head over and give the film's official Facebook page a 'like'.
There is also an Indiegogo campaign running at the moment so if you like what you see be sure to check it out and chip in whatever you can.

Synopsis: "Follow good girl Sara, who upon finding out she only has 24 hours left to live spends those hours living life to the fullest, taking revenge on those that have done her wrong, and exploring her every desire. For Sara there's no time to waste, no time to lose, there's only....TIME TO KILL..."

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