

Indiegogo: WATERBORNE - You Had Me At 'Zombie Kangaroo'

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Zombie kangaroo. If those two words together like that don't get you excited then you may as well leave right now. Do it. Just go.
For those of you still reading; congratulations! And not only because you have good taste. If you're anything like me then you have always wanted to see a zombie kangaroo and the good news is that now you finally have that chance. WATERBORNE is an upcoming Australian short film set in a small rural town ravaged by a zombie outbreak that affects not only humans but animals too. Read on for the details from the Indiegogo page -

"'Waterborne' is a short Australian horror/zombie film; the lovechild of a bunch of filmmakers from Melbourne, Australia. We all love zombies, and we all love making films. We've been developing this one for a while now, and we're planning to shoot in April 2013.
It's a very Australian story set in a small country town, where Todd, the local ranger, is pretty sure that years of environmental disasters are wreaking havoc on the local ecosystem.  His suspicions are confirmed when contaminants in the water supply lead to the outbreak of a zombie-like virus that affects not only humans – but animals too.
The key scene in this short film revolves around an infected zombie kangaroo trying to smash its way into the ranger’s pickup truck.
Yes, you heard right - a ZOMBIE KANGAROO. 
Not only are we confident that 'Waterborne' will amazing short film (which we'll be entering into film festivals around the world), but it will also act as a prequel for a feature film that we've got up our sleeve. So by supporting this project, you're also helping to get the ball rolling on a much bigger film (with even more zombie animals)!"

So if you want to help build the world's first zombie kangaroo (and who doesn't?) make sure you check out the film's Indiegogo campaign and donate as little or as much as you want. And don't forget to head over and give the official Facebook page a 'like' while you're at it.

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