

More Minimalist Horror Posters

A while back I did a post on minimalist horror posters because I am such a big fan of them. If you want to see that post you can do so right here.
These simple yet clever posters are really fun to design, and so I even uploaded a few that I made myself. And much to my surprise, someone at has just compiled a list of their own favorite minimalist posters, and around half a dozen of my own designs are on the list. I'm really stoked about it, because honestly I didn't think my ones were anything special but I guess there are some people who like them. Anyway, you can see the whole list here.

And if you like my designs (you'll see my name mentioned above them) please, please let me know. I'd really appreciate it, and if enough people like them I may even be able to get them printed up and sell them. Also I urge you to try and design your own, it's really fun.


  1. I love these posters. I think I just saw some released for The Thing if I'm not mistaken. You did a great job at the ones you created. Theaters that do like late night showings should def use these. again great job

  2. I agree with slowdeath they are really good, def digging the last house on the left and blair witch.

  3. Thanks guys. I saw those ones for The Thing, they are way cool. I'm gonna keep making these and see if it goes somewhere, and even if it doesn't it's still heaps of fun.

  4. I love your posters! I did a post a while back on an Etsy shop (Swelser) that sells very cool, retro style horror posters that they design themselves - very Saul Bass-esque. You should set up a shop for yourself. You've obviously got talent!!

  5. Thanks. I've kind of been toying with the idea of an Etsy store for a while. I really want to keep practicing first, and get a whole bunch that I really like. And I might need to get my finances in order if I want to get them printed. As soon as that happens I'll let you all know. In the meantime I'll keep uploading more as I finish them.
